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An Unexpected Trip

Been long time not posting out a travel stories. So here i am, writing again, a long enough story. It happened on March 24-28, 2017. 
Me and my friend, mbak Niken, planned to go to a short trip during weekend. And for the first time we joined an open trip. The destination is Dieng Plateau, a mainstream travel destination in Wonosobo that we never come before. Lol. Suddenly, we got a very good news that I can take a day off in “hari kejepit” which is Monday, which the Tuesday is a day of silence for Hindu. Sooo totally, we got 4 days off. Because the Dieng Plateau trip would take 2 days only. In a hurried time, we decided to go to Jogja. And yes, we ran out of tickets beacause it was a long weekend. And many dramas happened in terms of deciding transportations and destinations, but finally the day had come. And we just go....

       Dieng Plateau
Dieng Plateau is in Wonosobo, Central Java.  It has so many local cultural things, so many beautiful sceneries, places, temples, and natural objects. As we arrived at around 2.00 p.m, we went to the Dieng Plateau Theatre first. We watched a documentary movies about Dieng and how the culture in Dieng. The weather is already about 14 degrees of Celcius, quite windy and cool.

Dieng Plateau Theater
After that, we visited the Arjuna Temple. It is a Hindu temple. We can see the beautiful hills and casuarine tree around the area. We took photos as many as we could. And we were so happy.

Been night already, and we stayed in a homestay which is a house with the capacity of 20 man. We had to sleep early because we would go seeing sunrise in Sikunir Hill in a very dawn.

We woke up at 3.00 a.m. and continued to hike about 1 km to the top of Sikunir hill.
There was such a drama again, between me and my friend, my friend decided to go down when we’re already in our halfway to the top. She felt weak and sick. So i decided to accompany her going down the hill back to the ‘warung’. And i am so confused, to just leave her and climb up again to see sunrise, or stay with her and help her. So drama~ But finally, my friend told me to just leave her because she’s okay and i can see the sunrise. So I went back to the way up to see the sunrise.

ready to hike Sikunir hill 

It is not far anyway from the base to the top of Sikunir hill. I just need around 15 minutes to go up, and wait the sun to rise up. I encourage my friend by phone to go up and see the sunrise with me. Because, can you imagine when others were having fun with their families, friends, and boyfriends, i came up alone waiting the sunrise . hahah so lonely. And finally my friend decided to go up again, slowly but sure. And there she was, on the top of Sikunir, with me J

me and mbak Niken 

We waited until around 6.00 a.m. for the sunrise. Unfortunately, the sun was hiding behind the dark cloud. It was cloudy. Poor us. If we were lucky, we could see the sun rising between the mountains and hills, the Sindoro and Sumbing mountain, and clear sky with white cloud. But i didnt see that things at all. Hahaha, but it’s okay. It’s still awesome, feeling the cold breezed wind and see the cloudy dark sky, the shadow of mountains, and taste hiking again.

Hiking and the combination smell of rain and soil never disappoints me. 

I miss that feeling a lot. And i am so grateful for hiking again, even it’s just a ‘geli-geli’ hiking.
top of Sikunir

After that, we saw a mini show from the locals . They played many songs with the local musical instrument, angklung, calung, or whatever. I didnt really know the name of the instruments. But it’s so awesome, nice to be listened.

We continued to Kawah Sikidang. It is full of sulphur. The scenery was beatiful and white. It was a rainy all day long, but we’re still that happy. The next destination was a lake, named Telaga Warna. The lake consists of three colours, green, greenish blue, and white or grey? I dont really know because the locals said the colors had already changed and it could because of the weather, the soil, and many things happened in the lake.

what i looked like in a rainy day

kawah Sikidang

telaga warna

I like being there and want to come back to visit Wonosobo again. Because I forgot to see my dearest friend, Rini, who is the real Wonosobo-ers that can accompany me to travel around wonosobo. Dieng is only one of the natural destinations there.
Rini, my kindest friend, the local of Wonosobo :)
       After having such a tired two days in Dieng and its surroundings. We traveled to Jogja and stay in a cozy hotel, booked by traveloka. The hotel was Violet Hotel (jl . Bhayangkara, near kilometer 0 Jogja). We decided to eat the very famous bakmie in Jogja, Bakmi Pak Pele (located in Alun-Alun Utara). It was so disappointing for me, because of the very long waiting time. It maybe because the restaurant is already famous and many people come to eat there. We talked , scrolling instagram, and talked again, and the food hadnt come yet hahaha. So annoying. But yes, when the food came, i paid me well. It tasted good and finished only in 10 minutes. Hhhh.
      Morning in Jogja. We decided to go travelling just around the Jogja city because we dont have any kind of transportation. We started by foot to Taman Pintar. Before that, we tried to go to Museum, but unluckily we forgot that it was Monday, means all of the museums in Indonesia closed. Lol.

planetarium seats :)

Oke , we started to Taman Pintar. My traveling mate never went to Planetarium before, so we watched Planetarium first. The ticket is Rp15.000. And it’s such a nice show. But if you already watched the show in Planetarium Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta, it’s better in Jakarta.  

After planetarium, we went to Affandi Museum!! Soo Excited!!. I always wanted to see the galleries of Affandi in jogja, but always fail. Soo I was so happy visiting Affandi Museum. Affandi is a very famous maestro, the artist! The paintings are not just beautiful and cherish paintings, it was full of pain and rare expressions. And it’s looked so on fire. And i love it.


me in a stairs
do not touch, i just read the warning after touched it til it shakes. 

beautiful arts!!

After finishing Affandi Museum, me and Mbak Niken thought the other destination. And yes, just like another dramatical woman, we wanted to follow the AADC2 scenes. That’s why we finally decided to go to Boko Temple, one of the shooting location of AADC2.

Boko Temple is  sooo wide and beautiful!! It is located on a hill.  It has so many spots to just relax and take some photos. It is so green everywhere. And there is a spot where we can see the beautiful scneries of the city from the hill. Sooo chill and relax. The wind was blowing slowly, the sky is blue, and the grass is so green. I love it so much. The weather, the feeling, and the time.
Boko Temple :)

beautiful scenerieeess 
my kinda weird yet happy pose


chill ! and i am so dark chocolate, gosong ! hahaha
So bad that we dont have so many times to keep walking in the area of Boko Temple because we should continue our trip to Semarang. Semarang is just a transit. We travel to Semarang, just to transit and fly to Jakarta. It is because of the peak season that we cant afford buying plane tickets from Jogja. Soo expensive. And we decided to travel to Semarang , stayed a night in a cheap hotel, and fly to Jakarta. It’s way cheaper than fly directly from Jogja.

As long as the trip, we used many kinds of transportation. And many dramas of that . lol.

Jakarta-Wonosobo : Bus
It’s not so recommended transportation, if you went in long weekend, just like us. It took about 16 hours to Wonosobo from Jakarta. Helll yeaah. ‘Pegel-pegel’ ! dont try use bus if you go to central java in long weekend.

Wonosobo-Dieng : MicroBus
We changed to micro bus when we wanted to go to Dieng Area. We cant use the big bus beacause the way is too narrow.

Wonosobo-Jogja : Travel RamaSakti ( Rp 70.000)
It is a travel, using Elf car, which we booked the day before we leave Jakarta using It’s not too recommended travel in Wonosobo. It is because the car is a bit old. And the most surprising thing for us (who usually use travel Jakarta-Bandung) is the travel picks up many passengers from their house and even takes them to their own destination, one by one!! The good thing is we can arrive in our destination without changing transportation. But the bad, even worst thing is it takes so long time to just arrive in Jogja (moreover in our destination) because the travel turn around the city to pick up and drop the passengers.

Taman pintar-Affandi Museum : Go-Jek (around Rp 8000 using go-pay)
So helpful that Go-jek already come in Jogja!!
( Notes : In Jogja, go-jek is way more helpful. They can help us to find the gift brought back from Jogja. That’s what we did in Jogja. )

Affandi Museum – Boko Temple : Grab Car!! Rp 30.000 ( with grab car discount!!)
This is the other helpful transportation, and the reason why i do love technology a lot.
It’s just a kind warning. If you want to travel to Boko Temple, i suggest you drive your own vehicles, because the way to Boko Temple is a bit far and there’s no public transportation there.

Dont be like us. We use grab car and we were so panic about how getting out back from the Boko Temple. But we finally found out that there are elfs which picks up visitors from Prambanan Temple to Boko Temple and vice versa. We joined the elf ‘til the transjogja shelter and paid Rp 15.000.

Prambanan Transjogja Shelter- Jogja City : Rp 3.500
We use TransJogja, it is like TransJakarta and it has many tracks that we can choose depend on our destinations.

Jogja-Semarang : Day Trans Travel ( Rp 75.000)
It is a cozy travel. We travel to Semarang in night, the driver was sooo skillful yet so fast. Ngebuuut bangeett. Just like Night bus driver :”)

Semarang-Jakarta : Lion Air (Rp 499.000)
Fly and go back to reality.

6.       Notes
In this trip, we just go following our wants. We didnt plan our schedule well. We randomly walked from one place to another place. This is not so good thing to do in travelling. But, it’s such a very exciting trip, ever! Never travelled randomly like this before. And what i like the most is we’re always being happy in every single weird yet bad things happened in our trip. And so happy that finally we can stop working for a while, see the natures, and walk around.

And yeah, every travelling makes us more grateful for what we already had today.

between the bluish sky, and the greenish grass, me in a pinky mood :)
 so next, lets save some money, make some days off, pack our bag, and just travel. 

Written in Bekasi,
April 09, 2017


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