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A Bit Late Night Talk about My Works

These last days were graduation days for class of 2013 in Universitas Indonesia, my university. I graduated from UI two years ago, 2015. Time passed. Since last year, so many juniors ask me the same question : Kak, kerjaan kakak ngapain sih ? hemm jawabnya mulai darimana ya. haha. 
Yaudahlah i'll tell you a bit of my feeling of working in a company where i am belong now. 

As an electrical engineer graduate, I did have a dream of working in my major's area, being an engineer and make some thing by technology. 

I was once placed in a access unit, fixing problems about fiber technology, checking the access networks, doing configuration by coding, and yes it was quite cool. I was a bit enjoy there. But even I was in access unit, didnt mean that I did many technical things. Paling paling ya cuma ngelakuin konfig-konfig (mirip coding jaman kuliah sinsis dulu) perangkat OLT ONT pelanggan aja. But i didnt do it every day juga. My works are about controlling orders of trouble tickets from customers. And the tickets will be done by technicians, which are not engineers. They are even outsourced, and high-school by degree. And actually, to be truth, mostly my works are about evaluating performance of my teams and units, or in other way : using Ms Excel and Ms Power point very much. So if you think that you will use your hard skills if you're in access area, it's a big NO.

After that, i was moved to migration center, a new projects. There i was still in access or network area. But once again, my job is to control, to supervise, and to make sure that the orders are done well end to end. The skill are about leading and managing people, communication, processing data, and evaluation. I got to know the network of my company brand end to end. I learned a lot at that time. I was kind of being a leader too, it was so exciting for me. 

I was moved again to the quality center. A units that call customers to make sure that our services had been delivered well, to inform customers about how do we do our payments, and many things. At that time, i became such a supervisor again yet sometimes i should call the customers by myself. It's so funny somehow. I am a bachelor, but my jobs are calling customers just like the care line center. I dont need to study that hard if i was just doing this kind of job huh? what a reality, i thought. 

But reality speaks harder to me, I felt messed up. Yet I am working in a telco company, which is really relevant to my major, I unfortunately end up in Marketing Unit now. *sigh* (btw seriously, kerja disini bikin gue cepet adaptasi banget karena selalu dipindah pindah unit dalam waktu yang singkat. seneng sih jadi gak terlalu bosan juga, tapi kesel jugaa kenapa gue terus yang dipindah pindaah huft.)

Marketing, the principle is just about selling things, achieving targets. And this is so not me.  The truth that I should move to do selling things, it really makes me sad, at first. I cried a lot. really. I started thinking to resign. 

But it's not me if i stop being cheerful and joyful in doing something. I keep being myself, try harder than everyone to do a great job in marketing, push my sadness away and try to understand the thing that I never ever did before. And now it's already 6 months to go since I joined the marketing unit. I wasnt that sad actually. I did open table, door to door to sell products, sales planning and evaluating every day, taking care the sales agents, and many other things about JUALAN ! haha.

I sometimes feel empty, but sometimes too easy to be happy. kayaknya gini deh gue semenjak udah kerja rasanya. Rindu kuliah, rindu teman teman main sana sini tanpa harus mikir berangkat pagi pagi. Kadang sedih banget waktu abis buat kerja doang, kadang seneng banget karena banyak kerjaan dan berhasil di kerjaan tersebut. Kadang pingin cepet naik jadi manager, kadang mikir buat resign aja terus nikah sama orang kaya. oke.... skip. 

Magically I find much happiness though. My company is like a home. I have so many Bapak dan Ibu who are very very kind to me. They are like my own parents. They care me a lot and very helpful in work. The environment of working here are so humble and family-based. The benefits that i get is also more than enough for me. Even though i should add some extra times of work ( fyi, aku pulang biasanya jam 9 malam, dan sabtu minggu kadang harus masuk juga buat jualan), i somehow feel happy. It's oke as long as it's not everyday for having extra hours . But yes, sometime i was sad and bad mood . Feel like i dont have quite time to do any other things except work. If i have no Weekend off, it's super annoying and bad. And yes i am bored to do the routine day by day.

Sometimes i wonder that Id been studying for 4 years about telco engineering, but now i didnt apply my core at all. But yes, this is reality. This is life. We should face it : take it or leave it , and it all has consequences. It's just only 1.5 years. Dan kayaknya kerja dimana aja bakalan sama susahnya. I hadnt passed many things also. I am still lack of experiences and hard works. So i thought it's better to keep doing anything well, as well as i can. 

I am maybe in the middle of this confuse mind, galau. But i just dont want to complain that much. Many people are so hard to get a job and money. I already have the easier one, and I dont think I deserve to complain. It's true that we should do what we love, but doesnt mean we should do whatever we love. We should think deeply, about who are we, and for whom we're working. Besides, i still have dreams in my head that can be reached either through the company or not. And i think i still have many times to dream and choose my paths. 

We decide whether we're gonna be good or not. And at this point, i am quite thinking that :  if I run out of time, i make my own time. If I am out of passions, I create my own passions. I may not stop dreaming. Time will fly. And I am so grateful for what ive done for this company and for what ive got from it.  And also, I am so thankful for some people whom I met in this workplace. you guys always make works easier and happier. Yet some are annoying though hahah, but most of my peers are good :") 

I still try to catch up with myself about what's next. And i do believe, everything happen for a reasons. What you do what you deserve. And these photos below will remind me about many good things happened in this 1.5 year. I am so grateful. 

p.s. yang mau pasang Indihome boleh komen dibawah ya!
*anaknya marketing banget sekarang*

cheers and love,


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