Ada yang tergerus pada yang dibilang hati, menelungkup sanubari, kelu. terbawa angin sendu, terhanyut hujan, biru. berpeluk pada satu ingatan, haru. jatuh dalam bayang kala itu. metamorfosa tak selamanya berlaku. beginikah rasanya jika temu, hanya berujung rindu? Tasikmalaya, 20-12-2015 Aisyah.
honestly i have been spending my last 5 years waiting for nothing hoping for something that i wont ever have i have been the most idiotic fool of a person can be now i have realized, i wasted those years expecting something that is not meant to be with me today i change my perspective, my time is running out now i can not waste another year for nothing not for the same person not for the same stupid feeling and for those happiness that actually never existed i should regain my strength and move forward.