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Showing posts from December, 2020

a quick update!

 So here i am.  studying in the faculty building, i was with my friend. now she left already.  left me with a lot of works and a lot of thoughts. There are a lot of good things that I should think about and there are a lot of challenges that I need to sort out. Essays, mostly. Exams preparations moreover, holiday. and etc etc.  It is so hard when you keep thinking about it. Like this, won't finish and I won't ever get it done. But apparently, I remember the days that I didn't believe that I could be here. And now, here I am. In the greatest place which I always dreamed about, doing and living in my dreams that I thought I could ever reach it. So, sometimes I just need to take a breath and close my eyes. Seeing what I had been through before this. And open my eyes and say it loud to myself, I can do it.  I know I can do it. I know it better than anyone else. I just need to try more, struggle more, and pray more.  December 16, 2020 Manchester, Aisyah. 

for me.

for you  who live apart from your family, how are you today?  Are you feeling these :  you miss the time your little sister annoyed you with her asking about things or boys.  you miss the loud voice of your mom, trying to wake you up you miss the unfunny jokes from your dad, like almost every day you miss everything about your little niece, especially her fat tummy and you miss being around and talking about anything to them It is okay.  I feel the same.  It is fine, that we are not together at the same time and place you will never lose of them At last,  they are your family. And they love you the most.  George Kenyon Hall,  November 30, 2020 6 degrees of Celcius, Aisyah