So here i am. studying in the faculty building, i was with my friend. now she left already. left me with a lot of works and a lot of thoughts. There are a lot of good things that I should think about and there are a lot of challenges that I need to sort out. Essays, mostly. Exams preparations moreover, holiday. and etc etc. It is so hard when you keep thinking about it. Like this, won't finish and I won't ever get it done. But apparently, I remember the days that I didn't believe that I could be here. And now, here I am. In the greatest place which I always dreamed about, doing and living in my dreams that I thought I could ever reach it. So, sometimes I just need to take a breath and close my eyes. Seeing what I had been through before this. And open my eyes and say it loud to myself, I can do it. I know I can do it. I know it better than anyone else. I just need to try more, struggle more, and pray more. December 16, 2020 Manchester, Aisyah.