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Internship soo Woooww!!

good day everyone!
today I'd like to tell you guys about my days in Telkomsel as an Intern.
Every day  I dont get a sleep after sahur time. it's the first time of fasting that I dont spend my time to sleep after sahur. hahaha lol
After I have prayed subuh and ngaji, I have to go to bathroom and take a bath. then, I have to be ready to go to the office (asik). It seems like I am a real career woman. lol , once again. oke fine 

There are some ways to reach my office in Gatot Subroto Jakarta Selatan. First, we can go there by train to Cawang station, after that we continue by busway to Gatot Subroto. Second, we can go there by busway called APTB from Bekasi to Gatot Subroto. and it is so exciting to have a journey for almost 3 hours, just to go to the office. and I have to do it, everyday wow ! 

you know the quotes "tua di jalan" ? and now I experience it by myself. hahaha

but it must be oke, because internship is on of my credits that I should pass. Be patient, and I go to the office froms moday to friday. My work hour makes me feel like an elementary student again. wake up in the morning, then go to work. 

talk about works, actually I dont have any jobs to do hahaha. well, just say "gabut". This 'gabut' thing happens almost every day. I just spent my time with cyberwalking, youtubing, and browsing a bit about telecommunications stuff that I dont understand. More, I just have too much time to chat with my partner. 

And about the partner, I have mentioned her in here before. And there she is ! Ina Gustiana hahaha. again and again we have a same place to go every day, together. And we finally do these 'gabut' things together. hahahah 

Ina, (trust me, she's not working yet)

Day by day, and finally we had our own desks. And we finally met some people who triggered us to learn more. And we come to some meetings. Oya, we have internship in Change and Release Department in Network Operation Center Division. The jobs here are just being admin of activities' permission in radio, core and transport domain. But there are some meetings so that we can learn from these meetings. But after that, we do some gabut things again hahaha. 

our desk

view from my desk
There are so many girls here. And they are so beautiful, patient, and kind. They teach me and Ina how to use the software and the take care of us as we are they little sisters hahaha. it's so lucky of me for being in this department. 

we made a photo with World cup 2014's mascot Fulero Armadillo
 (it is in frontt of the lift with so many people looking at us! hahaha
Actually, so many things that I can learn from this internship here. I learned from the manager about how the network in telkomsel can be the best in Indonesia, how to survive as a provider, how to compete with another providers, and how to implement our study of electrical telecommunication engineering in college to the real world, and the most important thing is, finding money is not easy!

After so many things I have done here, I know that I still need to learn more and more. That I should prepare myself before I faced this 'amazing' time of being an employee of one company, etc. But truthfully , I wanna be an owner or businessman not the employee. hahaha . well just pray for it. 

It has just been my 12nd day here, but I am so happy since I had so many new things to know and share. 
Even with so many 'gabut' things, but I still have somethings to get. And I met my seniors here and so happy to see people you know well in such a big office like this. And one of them treated me well, and soo happy again hahaha. you know, there's no loss for knowing so many people since you're a student. Because , link or network is made naturally, and it happens when you need it somehow. 

and somehow, I know that college time is too short to be passed out. And remembering that I only have one year left, it makes me want to pass it properly and excitingly.

Play hard, study hard! And make friends a lot. 

me, what a happy face :D
warm regards,
from Gatot Subroto,


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